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The Voice of the Child

We've gathered a collection of testimonials from children and young people who took part in our 'Talking Really Helps' programme.


*All Guardians, Children & Young People have consented to their work being shared.*

CDASS helps you get away from these worries.

They help you when you need it.

 I feel better, because I have spoken.

Testimonial One - Child X, Aged 9

The social worker who referred Child X (Lincolnshire LA) provided the following written feedback;


I have heard positive reports from Child X and mum, Mum was a bit dubious about the involvement to start off with as didn’t feel that anything had changed but understands that the work can take time to have a positive impact. 


I reminded mum that it was positive that Child X was opening up about his past experiences and that this would help him both with his mental health and to give coping strategies, and mum started to see the bigger picture of the involvement.


I have also recommended your service to my colleagues who are working with children who have been subject to DV as I feel this has really helped Child X. 

Testimonial Two - Child C, Aged 16

The Parent who referred Child C provided the following written feedback;


After talking with you I can see the physical differences in her.  The relief is obvious…. she has been a chattier tonight than she has been over the last few weeks which I feel is due to her being able to talk to you this evening.  


She also said that she can feel it helped talking to you tonight and that she feels comfortable with you, which for me is a relief as Child C really struggles to trust people enough to open up and be honest about her feelings.  


CDASS in the short time that Child C has been involved with the service has helped her feel less alone in her trauma and gave her some hope back that there is a possibility of a future that isn’t tarnished by the domestic abuse.  

Just talking about everything makes me feel a bit better.

The best thing is talking about my feelings...

...just to get it off my chest.

View the feedback we received from our 'Talking Really Helps' Pilot

'Talking Really Helps' - A Poem

​Did you know that talking helps, because some children keep things to themselves. They see things at home, they feel angry or sad. Shouting, arguing between their mum and their dad.

Or it could be other adults that argue and fight but let me tell you something, it’s all wrong, it’s so not right.
Sometimes you see them or hear them in your bed. You’re so sick of the shouting, cos it’s hurting your head. The next day its quiet and your mum, she looks sad and you start to feel angry and not like your dad.
You wish they would be kind and not say nasty things.


You wish they would stop fighting and the police would stop coming.

You wish that you could tell someone, what going on at home.

But you’ve been told ‘to say nothing’ so feel so all alone. Inside you’re sad and lonely and don’t know what to do. Last night you saw it all again, tomorrow you have to go to school.


You try your best to be normal but inside you’re really scared
What if your daddy hurts your mum again, what if you are not there?
But now you have someone to talk to now you can say how you feel, now you can come to Talking Really Helps, where you talk and we listen as your feelings are real, don’t worry we will help you, as that’s what we
love to do, and we hope by the time you finish Talking Really Helps
You will be a happier and a much better YOU.

Written by
Sandra Johnson 

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