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The Abuser Impact


CDASS believes that the Abuser needs to take responsibility and be confronted about his violent behaviour and its impact. CDASS believes that the abuser should not be allowed to ‘walk away’ to potentially damage another family nor should he ‘get away’ with it.


The Abuser Impact Programme is an intense thought-provoking four weeks where “past, present and future” are key terms that CDASS use to robustly challenge the abuser.


Our overall intention is to enable the abuser to understand the long term, damaging impact of his abusive violence on his ‘silent victim’ and encourage him to access additional professional help.


It is a separate on-line programme with a prerequisite that the abuser’s child or young person has completed the TRH programme and consent is given for agreed areas of information to be shared. There is no direct or indirect contact between the child, young person or parent/carer before, during or after the intervention.

Image by Jakob Owens

Abuser Impact Referral Criteria

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Interested in this programme?

Please ensure the child or young person has attended the TRH programme and request a referral form.

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